Thursday, July 19, 2012

.Net programming: XAML Designer Activity Errors

Ugh!  After getting asked to join a team working on a .Net project that combines OSISoft PI/AF databases with Windows WF, I started hitting the wall with the XAMLX/XAML designer not loading and displaying the defined workflow using VS 2010.  There is no documentation on the subject and executing Google/Yahoo/Bing searches in any combination of WF, WCF WF, WF Service, Activity Not Loading due to errors in XAML, etc., I finally found something that pertained to my situation.  The change from building for All Platforms to x64.  Our project sponsor recently made it a requirement for x64 target

Apparently, the XAML Designer can't function correctly when the target is x64, so you have to design and initially build for All Platforms or x86, and you can load and see the designer and custom activities.  Once you are ready to due actual testing of your code, then switch back to x64.

Much thanks to this short but excellent post at Stack Overflow that was the answer.  Now only if the folks at MS will fix their official development tool, I might actually use it more often and work on a few more .Net projects.  If not, then I'll happily keep working in the Java and Open Source solution world.